Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sweden has also just completed their league and observed the following overall results; There is 14 team in their league (small).....

Home Adv Chart (N3/N1) : 21.5/3
Form Chart (N3/N1) : 8.5/12.5

A good consistent +ve swing for the Form Chart; but a strange +ve N1 Form Chart in that is different from Finland/Norway and similar to USA/China. Home Adv Chart is a bit lop sided and the difference too great so can't say it is consistent. This latest results shows a derivation from the normal but at least can still follow the directional swing pattern.

(Same girl in gif and pic, my sister.....hee)

Norway league has also just completed and it consist of 14 team league (small size). The following overall result was observed;

Home Adv Chart (N3/N1): -5.5/-10.5
Form Chart (N3/N1): 0.5/-18

The chart pick up a slight -ve consistent swing in HA, and observed a N1 -ve swing for Form Chart (similar to characteristic of big league).

I have observed that Europe tends to follow N1 -ve Form Chart swing for small scale leagues (10-15) whereas rest of the world (USA/China) give N1 +ve Form Chart. A good point that should take note for future upkeep.

Finland has completed and registed the following overall result;

Home Advandtage Chart (N3/N1) : 0 / -3
Form Chart (N3/N1) : -18.5/-10.5

Finland has a 13 team league (consider small size) and observed a -ve swing pattern in the Form Chart as well as the customary -ve nearest 1 observed by previous big size league. The HA Chart however cancel each other out and dun really create much swing.

Friday, November 03, 2006

China league has just completed with the following result;
Home-Adv Chart N3 +15 / N1 +23.5
Form Chart N3 +27.5 / N1 +31
China has a small league of 15 teams and thus more consistent results spread as the middle range teams are less, hence a +ve instead of -ve Form Chart. There is a good consistent swing for both chart in the +ve direction.

I hope to proof that for small leagues approx 10-15 teams, the charts tends to give more positive rather than swing pattern for Home Adv Chart and -ve (near 1) for Form Chart, for 16-20 team leagues.

Will update as more team complete their season.

USA league has just completed with the following result;
Home-Adv Chart N3 +15 / N1 +2
Form Chart N3 +15 / N1 +7
USA has a small league of 12 teams and thus more consistent results spread as the middle range teams are less, hence a +ve instead of -ve Form Chart. There are not good swing enough for the HA chart but a consistent slight swing for the Form Chart in the +ve direction

Next to come China

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